Our filming location: BEFORE
We then decided to stage a recce, giving us a chance to view and dress the filming location in advance of the test shoot, and bring any props or set pieces to the filming location. Our group organised to do this on the Saturday before the weekend of our test shoot. I contributed a white table, which we agreed befitted the appearance of a clinical police station's interrogation room, and we were also lent a number of props from our media teacher, who gave us two grey, plastic chairs, a clock and an audio recorder, which we agreed would make the interviews more professional. Most notably, our media teacher lent us a lightbulb which we could suspend from the ceiling, which was another interrogation trope we decided would fit our opening very well.
Once all the set pieces and props were transported to our filming location, we dressed the set. We pushed the table against the wall, which was made of grey bricks, and suspended the lightbulb over the table. This meant that when the overhead lights were taken down, the lightbulb illuminated the set in an intense glow, which we all agreed made for a well achieved atmosphere.
Our filming location: AFTER
The props we used included:
- A clipboard and a file - we created a profile of Peter Smith, the missing teenager, and attached a head shot of him to the top of the file; we took a photo of our fellow media student Tom Brown to create the head shot.
- A clock - we planned to have specific times for each of the characters, so for each of the interviews the clock will be at a different time. This signifies the non-linear narrative; the interviews are happening at different times. Lucy's interview is first as she is the first one to hear about Peter's murder.
- An audio recorder - a device that is a common piece of iconography for the interrogation room setting, as well as the mystery genre
- A packet of tissues, for Lucy and Cherish.
- A phone and earphones, for Raj.
Overall, the set we created successfully replicated the look of a police interrogation room and was ready for our test shoot.
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