We created our call sheet alongside with our shoot board. We did this because it allowed us to quickly reference the call sheet whenever we studied the shoot board, which we plan on placing on the back wall of the studio. We sat down with Tom and Lily, who agreed to be our make-up artist, to receive their timetables so we knew when they would be free, and adjusted the call sheet accordingly. Copies of the call sheet were then discussed with Tom, Lily and the extras involved in the party sequence we will be filming on the first Saturday, elaborating what time they would need to arrive and what they would be doing.
Here is an excerpt of the call sheet from our shoot board:
The right most column contains the call sheet for our performers - names not in bold denote people who are available but not needed for performing |
Creating a call sheet was important as many of the people involved in our shoot do not take A Level Media and so do not have similar timetables to us, therefore we need to keep track on what we could accomplish for each shoot session. This particularly helped with Tom and Lily, who were both vital to the production of the video. We needed to ensure Tom knew when he was needed because his role as a band member means his attendance to the whole band shots, which take up a lot of our shoot time, is essential, and we needed to make sure Lily knew what make-up she would need to bring for each set up.
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