Here is our music video.

Here is the outside panel of my digipak album cover.

Here is the inside panel of my digipak album cover.

Here is the inside panel of my digipak album cover.

Here is a link to my artist's website. Please click on the image below to enter the website.

Monday, 6 March 2017

Construction Post 23: Our post-production kit

We used the following pieces of software during the post-production process:

Editing Software

Adobe Premiere Pro
Premiere Pro was an easy to use editing software which granted us a lot of options and effects that we could use.

✓ We saved time when making our rough cut by being able to quickly cut our best takes using the in-and-out markers to establish roughly where we wanted the beginning and end of the shots to be, which we could then drag into the timeline. 

✓ We could use the software across two screens; one of which we could use for the editing and the other to review the result. 

✓ It offered a number of tracks on the timeline, which allowed us to edit the sound and visuals simultaneously. 


Apple LiveType Interface
Live Type was the software we used to create our titles and attribute them with effects.

✓ The software had a variety of effects to choose from, and we could experiment with the effects themselves (e.g. changing their speed and their keyframes).

✓ There were multiple tracks to each piece of text, meaning we could have two effects at once, or turn off certain effects and keeping them saved whilst we experimented with new ones.

✗ The effects available were a little too cartoon-like for the suspenseful tone we wanted to establish and few of them could be altered successfully to replicated typical titles seen in the mystery genre.

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